The festival of Carnival is before the celebration of Lent, once during this time you could give free rein to the vices, why then would come Lent, with its 40 days preceding Christ’s death and resurrection at Easter.

During those 40 days you could not eat meat, so during Carnival, you could give free rein to excesses, including eating meat at the table.

If you visit Italy and you are a wine lover, love good food and have fun, here are the Top 5 Things to do:

1 ) In Italy, the city par excellence of the Carnival of Venice. Here you can watch a show extraordinary and unique in its kind, with masks and spectacular costumes. A festive city, full of color, music and fun.

2 ) Take a cooking class in Tuscany at Torciano Winery, here you will learn how to prepare sweets for Carnival and famous Italian dishes like lasagna.

3 ) Visit San Gimignano with its historic towers , the city is a magical place throughout the year , but during Carnival becomes even more special thanks to the medieval walls and towers , you seem to live in the past.

4) Make a wine tasting at Torciano Winery , smell the aromas of Chianti Classico, enjoy the ruby red color of Brunello di Montalcino, taste the flavor delicate and persistent Vernaccia di San Gimignano and finally, eating almond biscuits with dessert wine Vin Beato.

5) Attend a costume party,  for a night to break the mold and pretend to be someone else. Wear a special mask and celebrate Carnival around people, eating great Italian food and drinking fine wine.
